Resveratrol Found to Ease Back pain

  • Date: Oct 30, 2015
  • Category: Health

Supreme Potential Grape Seed Blocks the Production of Inflammatory Agents that Can Inflame Nerves. Continue reading

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Oct 30, 2015 /prREACH/ -- Supreme Potential, a company that features Grape Seed Extract for resveratrol supplementation says that its product can relieve back-associated pain. This claim is supported by scientific evidence that has found that resveratrol can be taken to lessen the pain that often affects the lower back and spinal column.

Doctors state that back pain can be alleviated in one of a variety of ways. For example, when a back pain sufferer walks, he releases endorphins into his system – hormones that relieve depression, stress and anxiety, or the symptoms that frequently accompany and worsen back pain. Any exercise that increases the circulation will cause pain-relieving endorphins to be released.

Besides daily low-impact exercise, doctors also recommend that people eat foods that are rich in the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent resveratrol. According to scientists at the Rush Medical Center in Chicago, the compound blocks an enzyme that has been determined to be responsible for degeneration of tissue. Resveratrol, according to researchers, is found in blueberries, cranberries and Therefore, it is possible, according to research studies, that foods containing high amounts of resveratrol can slow down disc degradation. While further research is still being conducted, there is no doubt that eating fruits, such as red grapes, will assist in alleviating back pain.

Again, Supreme Potential’s Grape Seed Extract is noted for the relief of back pain as well. The product, which is sold on, contains enough capsules to last for 3 months. It comes with a 60-day money back guarantee.

Supreme Potential is a company that is dedicated to providing supplements, such as resveratrol, that enhance one’s overall health and well-being. The supplement, Supreme Potential Grape Seed Extract, is a popular anti-aging supplement that contains resveratrol – an anti-aging polyphenol that is found in the skins of grapes. Its anti-aging properties support immune system functioning and prevent premature cellular degeneration.

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Rajib Ghosh

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