Sindhu Breon Pet Foundation Provides Information on Pet Rescue Options


The Sindhu Breon Pet Foundation has one goal: to educate animal lovers around the world about how to assist animals in need. Many thousands of animals around the globe suffer abuse, neglect and violence each day. Continue reading

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Oct 24, 2013 /prREACH/ -- The Sindhu Breon Pet Foundation has one goal: to educate animal lovers around the world about how to assist animals in need. Many thousands of animals around the globe suffer abuse, neglect and violence each day. Our relationship with them is naturally two-sided, as humankind is their greatest antagonist and their only voice of advocacy. The Sindhu Breon Pet Foundation aims to provide information, resources and advice on the global animal welfare awareness and advocacy, allowing concerned people the opportunities and tools to improve the welfare of animals in crisis everywhere.

Animal lovers can help in a few simple ways without breaking the bank with sizeable donations or assisting large foundations. For example, pet overpopulation leads to the steady increase in abandoned animals that often end up in shelters, kennels or pounds and are ultimately euthanized since there are limited resources for the care of homeless animals in many communities. One simple step that requires no effort whatsoever is to refrain from buying a pet at all. If you are unsure of how much you really want a pet or think that it may be a nice temporary accessory for your lifestyle, you should reconsider. Perhaps you can donate to your local shelter or help foster animals instead of buying a pet only to return it or cut it loose a few months alter.

Another easy solution is to have your pet spayed or neutered, a process which is provided at very affordable costs by local clinics. This prevents unsafe, unhindered breeding and reduces the population of unwanted, loosed animals. Also, educate your friends and acquaintances, encourage the rescue of shelter animals instead of buying from breeders, and donate to shelters and clinics who are trying to provide safe, healthy lives to animals everywhere. The The Sindhu Breon Pet Foundation believes that we are the voice of animals in danger everywhere, and that we can all take simple steps to improve their welfare. Learn more at The Sindhu Breon Pet Foundation website.

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