
4Patriots Offers Energy-Saving Tips in Honor of Earth Day

Earth Day 2016 will be celebrated on Friday, April 22. Nashville, Tenn.-based 4Patriots LLC, which provides products that help people become more self-reliant and independent, will be celebrating the occasion. Continue reading

Power4Patriots Officials Pleased With Increasing Cost-Effectiveness of Solar Power

Federal and state tax credits are making solar power more cost-effective for homeowners and businesses. Power4Patriots is a product that can make it even more so. Continue reading

Power4Patriots Officials Respond to Renewable Energies’ Record-Breaking Year

Officials at Power4Patriots are thrilled with the news that renewable energy experienced a record-breaking year in 2015. They offer a product that enables people to build their own solar panels and wind turbines. Continue reading

Power4Patriots Officials Pleased with San Antonio’s Solar Energy Emphasis

More solar energy is being generated in San Antonio than in any other city in Texas. Power4Patriots officials commend city officials for the emphasis they’re placing on solar energy, and encourage homeowners across the country to disconnect from the electrical grid by installing solar panels and wind turbines on their property. Continue reading

Power4Patriots Applauds Initiative to Bring Solar Energy to More People

The Obama Administration is seeking to make solar power more affordable for lower income families. Power4Patriots officials applaud that effort and encourage Americans to install solar panels and wind turbines at residential and commercial locations. Continue reading

Power4Patriots Warns of Power Outages with Massive Solar Storms

A major solar storm headed toward Earth could cause massive amounts of damage, and there might only be a 12-hour warning about its approach. Power4Patriots recommends installing solar panels and wind turbines at residential and commercial locations to keep the electrical flow going when the grid fails. Continue reading

Power4Patriots Responds to Power Losses After Texas, Arkansas Tornadoes

Recent tornadoes in Texas and Arkansas ended five lives and knocked out power for thousands. Power4Patriots suggests that homeowners start getting themselves off the vulnerable electrical grid with solar panels and wind turbines. Continue reading

4Patriots LLC Applauds California Preparedness Initiative

A free class that educates people about being prepared for an emergency will be held in Encinitas, Calif. 4Patriots specializes in products designed to help people prepare for an uncertain future. Continue reading

Power4Patriots Offers Solution to Ongoing Electrical Grid Attacks

With the U.S. electrical grid being attacked every four days on average, Power4Patriots believes it’s time for home owners to start getting themselves off the grid with solar panels and wind turbines. Continue reading

Power4Patriots Sees Solar Flares as Reminder to Get off Electrical Grid

An EMP could result from the type of solar flares that were headed toward Earth last weekend. Power4Patriots recommends being prepared for off-grid living with solar panels and wind turbines. Continue reading