Power4Patriots Points to Job Creation from Solar Panel Installation


Increased solar panel installation could create tens of thousands of jobs and help clean up the environment, according to a California Assemblyman. Power4Patriots applauds this strategy. Continue reading

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Sep 04, 2014 /prREACH/ -- California Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance), the author of a bill that would require cities and counties to adopt ordinances that speed up the permitting and inspection process for residential rooftop solar energy systems, said that there is more to installing solar panels than saving money and energy, according to the Los Angeles Times.

He cited a UCLA study showing that if only 5 percent of Los Angeles County homes had solar panels, it would create 28,000 jobs and reduce carbon gases by the equivalent of removing more than 225,000 cars from the road.

Power4Patriots commends Muratsuchi for his efforts to enable more homeowners to benefit from the usage of solar panels. The company encourages homeowners to purchase or make their own solar panels and have them installed on their property in order to save money and lessen the load on an overtaxed, aging and vulnerable electrical grid.

Power4Patriots is a recently updated series of videos and manuals describing how to build solar panels, wind turbines, water heaters and solar heaters. The system includes six videos demonstrating how to build a solar panel, including choosing the right materials, finding the right site for the system and avoiding costly mistakes, as well as two instruction manuals with step-by-step illustrated directions. It also includes four videos and two instruction manuals detailing how to build a wind turbine.

The company says that installing solar panels and a wind turbine at one's home will cut energy costs by as much as 75 percent. On average, the costs are under $200 to build a solar panel and under $200 to build a wind turbine. Consumers who purchase already-made solar panels and wind turbines spend three to four times that amount.

The time commitment to build a solar panel ranges from two to four hours, with the first one requiring more time than subsequent panels. A wind turbine requires a handful of hours to build.

Power4Patriots was created as a way to allow anyone to become independent of high power bills and outages. Cost-effective and uncomplicated, Power4Patriots teaches people how to build their own environmentally-friendly sources of energy.

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